

welcome to my new bannner exhange !

this banner exchange is for pages with the subject yachts, travel, events, ...

it can bring You new visitors to Your homepage

the banner (html code) from this banner-exchange must be visible on the homepage

the number of installed banner-exchanges should not be higher than 4

I don´t accept the following pages: porn, pages that install Software without asking, financal services, bannerfarms

for 10 impressions you will get 8 impressions back - if this is not possible you get Credits and your banner will be displayed later. I hope that this will always work but I can not guarantee it. But I have tryed several Scripts and think this one works best.

after signing up I need to confirm the new account

the banner should measure 468x60 pixel

sign up here

members can log in here

The stats are not always correct, but i think the software works good. Sometimes I reset the states at the start of a month.


you are now on the english version / für Deutschsprachige Seiten hier clicken: german flag -> Deutsche Sprache

e-mail jan@ultimateyachts.info

imprint of ultimateyachts.info: Jan Meves, Minslebener Str. 66, D-38855 Wernigerode, Germany

























































































































